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Analyzing the Throw Water Bottle Option in Football Manager Game

One of the features of the game is the ability to react during matches through different touchline shouts or actions.

The “Throw Water Bottle” option is one such feature that allows the player, in the role of a football manager, to express frustration or disappointment during a match.

This action is typically used as a way to convey strong emotions about the team’s performance, a specific incident in the game, or a referee’s decision.

It’s a part of the game’s attempt to mimic the range of emotions and reactions seen in real-life football management.

Key Facts About Throw Water Bottle Feature:

  • ✅ The ‘Throw Water Bottle’ feature in Football Manager allows players to express frustration or disappointment during a match, mirroring the emotional responses of real-life football managers.
  • ✅ This action can either motivate players by showing the manager’s passion or negatively affect team morale, depending on the game’s context and player personalities.
  • ✅ Players often use this feature to vent frustration, especially after poor performances, but recognize its potential to negatively impact team morale.
  • ✅ The feature is most effective when used strategically, such as to disrupt complacency or motivate the team in challenging situations, but should be avoided when morale is low.
  • ✅ The decision to use this feature should align with a player’s personal management style, balancing between discipline and support, and considering the team’s reaction to guide future interactions.

When a player in the game chooses to “throw a water bottle,” it can have various effects on the team. It might motivate the players, showing the manager’s passion and desire for better performance.

But it can also potentially have a negative impact, such as lowering team morale or causing players to become nervous if they feel too much pressure.

The effectiveness of this action, like other touchline shouts, depends on the context within the game, the personalities of the players, and the current situation of the match.


Introduced in Football Manager 2021

The throw water bottle feature was introduced in Football Manager 2021 (FM21).

This feature is part of the game’s expanded interaction and expression mechanics, allowing players to demonstrate their emotions and reactions during matches, particularly in response to their team’s performance.

It is primarily used during the halftime team talk and post-match debrief.

Here’s how and when you can use this feature:

  1. Halftime Team Talk: If your team is underperforming or not playing according to your expectations, you can use this feature to express your dissatisfaction. It’s a way to show your anger or frustration with the team’s performance. The effectiveness of this action can depend on various factors, including your team’s morale, the context of the match, and your managerial style.
  2. Post-Match Debrief: Similarly, after the match, especially if the result is poor or not as expected, you can use this feature to express your feelings about the team’s performance. This can be a way to vent frustration or to make a strong statement to your players.


Community Feedback on the Throw Water Bottle Feature in Football Manager

  • Expressing Frustration: Players frequently use the “Throw Water Bottle” feature as a means to vent their frustration, especially after poor performances or unexpected losses against weaker teams. This action is seen as a cathartic expression of the manager’s disappointment.
  • Impact on Team Morale: There is a common understanding among players that using this feature can negatively impact team morale. Despite this, many choose to use it in situations where they feel the team’s performance warrants a strong reaction.
  • Strategic Use for Motivation: Some players strategically use the “Throw Water Bottle” feature to motivate their team, particularly during halftime in challenging matches. It’s seen as a tool to potentially inspire comebacks or disrupt complacency.
  • Desire for More Emotional Interaction: The community discussion reflects a desire for more varied and expressive interaction options within the game. Players seek a more immersive experience that closely mimics the emotional aspects of real-life football management.
  • Mixed Reactions from Virtual Players: The feature often elicits mixed reactions from virtual players within the game. While it can sometimes motivate, it can also lead to discontent, highlighting the need for careful consideration of the team’s emotional state before using it.
  • Learning Curve for New Players: New players to the game express curiosity and sometimes confusion about how and when to use the “Throw Water Bottle” feature effectively, indicating a learning curve in understanding the nuances of player management in the game.


How and When Should you Use it in FM?

throw water bottle

  1. Contextual Use: The feature should be used contextually. It’s most effective when the team is underperforming, especially against weaker opponents, or when there’s a need to disrupt complacency. But, it should be avoided during losing streaks or when team morale is already low.
  2. Emotional Impact: Remember that while it can be a tool for expressing frustration, its use can negatively impact team morale. It’s important to consider the current emotional state of your team before deciding to use this option.
  3. Strategic Motivation: In some cases, using the feature can serve as a motivational tool. If used sparingly and in the right circumstances, it can potentially inspire a team to improve their performance, especially if they are not meeting expectations.
  4. Balancing Act: Managing a football team in the game requires a balance between discipline and support. Overusing the “Throw Water Bottle” feature can lead to a decrease in team morale and potentially harm your relationship with the players.
  5. Learning from Reactions: Pay attention to how your team reacts to this action. Different teams and players within the game may respond differently based on their personalities and the situation. Use these reactions as a learning tool to guide future interactions.
  6. Personal Management Style: Finally, consider your personal management style. If you prefer a more aggressive approach, using the feature aligns with that style. Conversely, if you favor a more supportive and nurturing approach, other options might be more effective.



In conclusion, the “Throw Water Bottle” feature in Football Manager can be a useful tool when used judiciously and in the right context.

It should not be overused, and its impact on team dynamics and morale should always be considered.

As with real-life football management, understanding and adapting to the nuances of your team is key to successful management in the game.



What does the ‘Throw Water Bottle’ feature do in Football Manager?

This feature allows players to express frustration or disappointment during a match, potentially motivating the team or affecting morale depending on the context and player personalities.

When is the best time to use the ‘Throw Water Bottle’ feature in the game?

It’s most effective when used to disrupt complacency or motivate the team during challenging situations, particularly against weaker opponents or when the team is underperforming.

Can using the ‘Throw Water Bottle’ feature negatively impact my team?

Yes, overusing this feature or using it inappropriately (like during a losing streak or when morale is low) can decrease team morale and potentially harm your relationship with the players.

How do players in the game typically react to the ‘Throw Water Bottle’ action?

Reactions can vary; some players may be motivated by it, while others may become discontent. The reaction depends on the team’s current emotional state and individual player personalities.

Should my personal management style influence how I use this feature?

Absolutely. If you prefer an aggressive management style, this feature aligns well with that approach. If you lean towards a more supportive style, other options might be more effective. Pay attention to how your team reacts to guide future interactions.

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